Our Music Video “SUNGAZER” has been selected for several Film Festivals and has won several awards.

One of the most exciting tracks I had heard last year as a single was Unify. Not only was this because it was assigned to me, but that I missed out on discovering it by myself. Sub:Om has a dark, industrial plagued sound that oscillates between alt-rock, metal and new wave in some parts. Ever changing, they release their debut album, Back to The Source. - sinusoidalmusic.com
“Sub:Om are a visionary rock band based in LA, doing something slightly different to the norm, as their latest album release, Back To The Source, shows.”- York Calling UK
“Music that attempts to transcend the physical world and portray a wider vision of awareness including spiritual or mystical themes, and reflecting in such experiences.” – That’s what Sub:Om’s new single is all about. Melodic/Industrial Rock that will penetrate your senses and leave you asking “Who am I? What’s it all about?…” - Madzenman
“We adore ‘Sungazer’; darker undertones set the piece a light. The layered vocals and instrumental hooks are thoroughly addictive and keep the audience enthralled.
‘Who We Are’ is an upbeat and driving song that is thoroughly memorable. Finally, ‘All Falls Away’ closes the release, and it will have the listener reaching for the repeat button.”